Top 50 attractions in Rio de Janeiro

Rio de Janeiro
Top 50 attractions in Rio de Janeiro [1] best touristic attractions of rio de janeiro

50 Best Touristic Attractions in Rio de Janeiro

Rio de Janeiro is such a fascinating place to visit and while everyone seems to have their favorite must-see destinations, a few always get left off that list.  Most people are obviously not going to see every inch of this part of the world during their visit, but they should take the time to see the attractions in Rio de Janeiro before they leave.

Here are the 50 Top attractions in Rio de Janeiro:

Metropolitan Cathedral of Rio

 This seventy-five-meter-tall cathedral is quite different from its predecessor, the Old Cathedral of Rio.  This structure was built between 1964 and 1979 and is used to honor St. Sebastian, who is the patron saint of Rio.  The four stained glass windows are the most prominent feature and they meet to form a cross in the middle of the ceiling.  Twenty thousand people can sit within this cathedral and another five thousand can stand to listen to the service.

 Santo Antonio Convent 

This convent was founded during the second half of the 17th century and it was the first nunnery within the country after gaining religious independence from Portugal.  Visitors will need to go to Cachoeira to see the Santo Antonio Convent, but it is worth the short journey to see such a historic sight that is now a historical monument and one of the Rio de Janeiro highlights.  During a visit, people will learn about the prison that was created inside the convent for slaves, while also taking the time to admire the architectural details.  

Colombo Café 

Colombo Café was founded back in 1894 and it has served as a huge part of the community since that time.  The entire space is comprised of the Confectionery Interior, the Ground Floor Hall Solemnity, the Ground Floor Lounge, the Superior Hall, the Old Warehouse, and the Confectionery Counter.  However, it is the ancient façade that most visitors will find fascinating.  History continues to be made at this café and those who take the time to visit while find themselves learning the entire urban history of this city before they leave.


XV November Square


This public square is a landmark in Rio de Janeiro, and it can be found within the historical center of the city.  On the sides of this square, people will find the Palácio Tiradentes and the Paço Imperial.  The Praça XV Station can also be found here and it is a ferry terminal that takes people all over the city, as well as to destinations that include Niteroi.


Tirandentes Palace (Former National Congress)


This palace, which is one of the main attractions of Rio de Janeiro, is known for its combination of French and neoclassical styles, especially the Corinthian columns that have been placed along the façade.  The allegorical sculptures around the dome represent the Republic and Independence and really make this building stand out from many of the others in the city.  Visitors that venture inside will find themselves mesmerized by the artisanal floors and stained-glass windows, but it is the knowledge that this building stands at the sight of the Old Jail that will intrigue them the most.  This palace opened in 1926 and while it was where the Brazilian National Congress met for some time, it is now used by the Legislative Assembly of the State of Rio de Janeiro.

Selaron Stairs

The Selaron Stairs is the most beautiful staircase in the world and every centimeter of the one hundred and twenty-five meters is covered in beautiful colors.  That was the goal of Jorge Selarón, who created this vivid mosaic stairway with more than two thousand pieces of tiles, mirrors, and ceramics to pay tribute to his adoptive city.  These stairs are one of the best Rio de Janeiro attractions and they can be found tucked away between the Santa Teresa and Lapa neighborhoods.  In fact, they are right across from where Selarón lived when he moved to the city.  Ironically enough, Selarón died on these very steps at the age of sixty-five.

 Christ the Redeemer Statue 

The Christ the Redeemer Statue can be found high up above the city on the top of Mount Corcovado and it is one of the main attractions of Rio de Janeiro.  The history of this massive statue began during the 16th century when the mountain was given a different name.  A path to the summit opened during the 18th century and the idea of a statue was conceived in 1859.  The statue was designed by Paul Landowski and built by Albert Caquot and Heitor da Silva Costa.  It took nine years to finish the construction and it was ready for visitors in 1884.  This statue was constructed from soapstone and concrete and weighs fourteen hundred tons.  The statue itself is ninety-eight feet tall and that is on top of a one-hundred-and-fifty-foot pedestal base.  The arms are quite long too, and they measure in at ninety-two feet in length.  

Sugar Loaf Mountain 

While Sugar Loaf Mountain is a beautiful place to be, as it is located near the mouth of Guanabara Bay on a peninsula, visitors go there mostly for the cable car ride.  The cable cars are one of the most famous highlights of Rio de Janeiro and they offer panoramic views during the entire ride and has done so since they were opened back in 1912.  These cable cars make the trek up and down the mountain every thirty minutes or when one of the cars is full of passengers.  The ride is divided into two different stages and each one lasts for approximately three minutes.  The first part of the ride goes from Praia Vermelha to Morro da Urca, while the second portion goes right to the top of Sugarloaf Mountain.  These cable cars were designed by Augusto Ferreira Ramos and it underwent renovations in 1972 and 2002 before new cable cars were installed in 2008 and the electrical system received improvements in 2009.  


The Sambedrome is a stadium that was constructed for the parades of Samba Schools during the Rio Carnival.  There are standing room only sections on both sides of a long alleyway, so that everyone can see the parade as it passes by.  The Carnival is a big deal in Rio de Janeiro, so a few days prior to the parade, the runway is painted white, so it looks brand-new when the parade-goers are marching and dancing along.

Quitandinha Palace (Outside of Garden Area)

This palace was designed by Luis Fossatti and constructed by Joaquim Rolla back between 1941 and 1946.  While the exterior features a Norman-French style, the inside is filled with Brazilian Baroque and Art Deco pieces.  The Quitandinha Palace in Petropolis used to be a hotel, but the rooms are now privately owned.  However, the public areas, which were designed and decorated by Dorothy Draper, have been recently restored for everyone to enjoy.  This means that current visitors can walk through the same halls just like past guests that include Walt Disney, Lana Turner, Henry Fonda, Greta Garbo, and many more did.  

Cathedral of St. Peter of Alcantara

This cathedral is also known as the Cathedral of Petrópolis and it has long been dedicated to the patron saint, Peter of Alcantara.  While the construction of this cathedral began in 1884, it was not completed until 1925 and the church tower did not exist until 1969.  The statues of four evangelists can be found near the upper part of the façade and there is also a gorgeous rose window there.  There are many people buried inside the Imperial Mausoleum, which is a small chapel inside this cathedral.  A few of those people are Emperor Pedro II, Prince Gaston the Count of EU, Countess Elisabeth Dobržensky de Dobrženicz, and Empress Teresa Cristina.  

Imperial Museum 

This museum can be found inside the spectacular Imperial Palace, which is located in Petrópolis.  The palace used to be the summer home of Emperor Pedro II and it was constructed back in 1845.  Inside the museum, visitors will find artifacts from the Brazilian monarchy, including furniture, works of art, documents, and personal items of many family members.  The most important pieces in the museum though are the imperial jewels.  The library contains approximately fifty thousand volumes, while there are more than two hundred and fifty thousand original documents within the history archives.  

Crystal Palace

This palace was constructed back in 1884 in France and was presented to Princess Izabel by her husband, the Count D’Eu.  While the glass structure sits mainly empty now, it is used for a few events throughout the year.  

Casa de Santos Dumont 

This museum located in Petropolis was used to be the residence of Santos Dumont and it can be found on the street, Rua do Encanto.  There are three floors, plus a loft in the attic, in this quaint home turned museum.  The house was constructed back in 1918 to be used as a summer residence.  A couple of the more unique features include the shower where the water was heated with alcohol and the ladders that led between floors that were made to look like paddles.  The owner was a very methodical person, which is why the rooms are set up in the manner that they are.  

Art Contemporary Museum 

The Museu de Arte COntemporanea in Niteroi was created by Oscar Niemeyer and there is an impressive collection inside.  This building looks like a saucer and has windows that wrap around, providing gorgeous views of the surrounding areas.  Within the Hall of Exhibitions and the viewing gallery, visitors can find works of art by artists that include Franz Weissmann, Artur Barrio, HelioOiticica, Carlos Vergara, and more.

Fortress of Santa Cruz da Barra 

The main defense site of Guanabara Bay was the Santa Cruz da Barra Fortress and it is now one of the most popular attractions in Rio de Janeiro.  More than three thousand five hundred people visit this landmark each month, as they learn the reason why the fort was renamed back in 1612.  Everyone will also find themselves viewing a huge collection of military artifacts, as well as memorabilia, that includes battery canons, bronze bullets, and other weapons that were used during the war.  Those who take the time to wander along the grounds during a tour will find themselves seeing sites that include the watchtowers, the Chapel of Santa Barbara, the lighthouse, dungeon cells, and the sundial that dates back to 1820.

 City Park Niteroi 

City Park in Niteroi is one of the best places to watch the sun as it is setting in the sky, but whether or not that was known when this park opened in 1976, no one knows for sure.  This park can be found at the top of Viração Hill, which is two hundred and seventy meters above sea level.  There are two lookout areas within this park and the first will have visitors looking out towards the ocean and beaches of Niteroi.  The other offers spectacular views of the beaches in Rio, Sugar Loaf, Gávea Stone, the Christ the Redeemer Statue, and much more.

Fish Market Niteroi 

One of the best Rio de Janeiro attractions in the Niteroi area is the Fish Market, which opened up more than thirty years ago.  The San Pedro Fish Market is the best option for those who want the best fish or seafood in Rio and the best part is that the prices are reasonable.  People can purchase the fish to take home with them to prepare later or they can take it upstairs to have prepared immediately.  

Taunay Waterfall 

The Taunay Waterfall can be found within the beautiful rainforest of Tijuca, which happens to be in the middle of Rio de Janeiro.  It is a short hike to this waterfall, which makes it perfect for those of all abilities.  While the waterfall is spectacular, and part of the highlights of Rio de Janeiro, it is the wildlife that lives nearby that will pique the attention of visitors the most.  

Chinese View 

The Chinese View offers amazing views of the city of Rio de Janeiro, but only on the clearest days of the year.  The gazebo, which is where people go to see the views, was constructed between 1902 and 1906 to honor the Chinese who assisted with the cultivation of tea in Brazil during the 19th century.  While at the Chinese View inside the Tijuca Forest National Park, everyone should wander around to see the numerous waterfalls that are nearby.  The road to the viewpoint is steep, but the journey is worth every step that a person takes to see some of the Rio de Janeiro highlights from above.  

Dona Marta Viewpoint 

Dona Marta is another viewpoint that many people love to see when they are visiting Rio de Janeiro.  This viewing area can be found at the top of Santa Marta, which is three hundred and sixty-four meters above sea level.  That high point provides visitors with extraordinary views of Sugar Loaf, Urca, Christ the Redeemer Statue, Guanabara Bay, and the Botafogo and Flamengo Beaches.  It is best to travel to this area with a group during the day, but everyone can also visit with a guide during nighttime hours.

 Discover all about Tijuca RainForest on our Complete Guide

Table of Emperor 

The Table of Emperor is yet another fantastic viewpoint within the city and it is considered one of the best attractions in Rio de Janeiro.  This area is best to visit when visitors are stopping at Chinese View.  

Two Brothers Hill (Dois Irmãos)


Two Brothers Hill (Dois Irmãos) offers amazing views of the city and surrounding area, but that is not why it is one of the favorite attractions in Rio de Janeiro.  Instead, many people choose to visit this area due to the hike to the top.  The trail that leads to the top of the higher of the two brothers begins in the Vidigal community and it takes approximately forty-five minutes to complete the steep climb.  

Favela do Vidigal 

Favela do Vidigal can be found at the bottom of Two Brothers Hill, conveniently located between the neighborhoods of Leblon and Sao Conrado.  Vidigal was named after a commander of the Military Police of Rio from the 19th century, Major Miguel Nunes Vidigal.  This used to be one of the most dangerous places to live and stroll through many years ago, but starting in 2011, the atmosphere of the entire area changed.  It is now one of the most cultural attractions in Rio de Janeiro and many foreigners have chosen to live in this area of the city.  

Pedra Bonita Hike Tour 

Pedra Bonita is a phenomenal mountain that is no longer covered with trees like it was many years ago.  At a height of six hundred and ninety-six meters, those who reach the top are rewarded with fantastic views of Pedra da Gávea.  This is the perfect spot for hang gliding and those who do this activity will easily find themselves at Pepino Beach at the end of their journey.  Talk about a way to get back down the mountain! 

Serra dos OrgaosTeresopolis Base

 This area of the Serra dos Orgaos National Park is excellent for those who want to do a little hiking when visiting this country.  There are numerous trails for people to choose from and while some of them can take a couple of hours to complete, others can take upwards of a few days.  The visitor center is within this part of the park and everyone should stop there to ask questions and get some guidance of what they can do during their visit.  

Serra dos Orgaos Guapimirim 

This is one of the sections within the Serra dos Orgaos National Park and it is the perfect place for those who want to spend time near waterfalls and pools.  The best sights within this popular landmark in Rio de Janeiro are the Poço da Capela, Poço Verde Waterfall, and the Poço do Segredo.  The best time to visit this area of the city is during the summer, especially in the morning, when the temperatures are cooler.

 Largo dos Guimaraes


Largo dos Guimaraes is a square that can be found within the neighborhood of Santa Teresa, which has a bohemian vibe.  The entire area is one of the main attractions in Rio de Janeiro, and it is full of restaurants, bars, thrift shops, and boutiques, which makes it the best option for those who want an incredible authentic experience within the city.  

Parque de Ruinas (Ruins Park)

Parque de Ruinas used to be a spot within the Santa Teresa neighborhood where a beautiful mansion was located.  The mansion was built for Laurinda Santos Lobo, who was part of the art world during Belle Époque.  During the early 20th century, Lobo had many artists and other intelligent people over to her home, but after her death, the house sat vacant for many years.  After sitting there for forty years, the government purchased the property and chose to create a public park and art gallery around the ruins of the mansion to turn it into one of the best Rio de Janeiro attractions.  Numerous cultural events are held at this park each year, so there is a good chance that visitors can experience the life of a local when they are there.  

Lagoa Azul ilha Grande 

The Blue Lagoon is a natural pool that has sparkling blue water and can be found between Ilha Grande and Macaco’s Island.  Those who visit this lagoon will find themselves swimming in the water with the marine life before choosing to grab some snorkeling gear to see everything that is underwater up close.  The handicrafts that the local fishermen create are fabulous and no one can resist purchasing a few before leaving to return home.

 Discover all about Ilha Grande on our Complete Guide

Lagoa Verde Ilha Grande

The Verde Lagoa in Ilha Grande is only accessible via boat, so those who want to visit need to make arrangements well in advance.  The name of this lagoon comes from the green coral that is found in abundance in the water.  This is a wonderful option for those who want to see more of the beauty surrounding Rio de Janeiro, even though it means leaving the city for a few hours to escape to the islands.  

Vila do Abraão Ilha Grande

 Settlement in the area of Vila do Abraão began during the colonial period and the name refers to its location within Ilha Grande.  It is now a village that sits in a cove and it happens to be the largest urban destination on the entire island.  Many of the buildings on the island are within this village and approximately three thousand people live there.  It was not always this way, but this area grew during the second half of the 19th century when a leper hospital was constructed nearby.  When the hospital closed, it was turned into a military base, as well as a prison, before being demolished during the 1950s.  Another nearby prison was closed in the early 1990s and that is when certain attractions on the island started to draw visitors by the thousands.  Many of those tourists arrive at the pier in the village, as ferry boats and other boats are the only way to reach this island.  

Prainha Beach 

This beach can be found to the west of Rio de Janeiro and visitors will find that they will pass many other beaches before they reach their destination.  Prainha Beach is nestled away between the mountains and most people love this beach for its excellent surfing conditions.  Massive waves, up to three meters high, are created from the water hitting the rocks and the cliffs.  The weekends are the busiest at this beach, so anyone looking for tranquility and fewer crowds will want to go there during the week. 

Grumari Beach 

Grumari Beach can be found to the southwest of Rio and this beach is unique and part of the Rio de Janeiro highlights, due to its location within an environmental protection zone.  Dense vegetation can be found between the mountains and the water, creating a peaceful oasis that is perfect for relaxing.  The crowds arrive at this beach on the weekends, so those who want to wander along the nearby nature trail before sitting on the sand may want to visit during off-peak times.  

Joatinga Beach

One of the most secluded attractions in Rio de Janeiro is Joatinga Beach.  It is difficult to reach this beach, as a hike through rocks is necessary to get there, but the challenge is worthwhile for those who are in good shape.

St. Benedict Monastery 

The history of this monastery located in Rio City-Center goes back more than four hundred years, when there was a small chapel constructed on the property in 1598.  The monastery was constructed in 1660 and more buildings were added as the years went on.  In 1910, the old chapel and monastery were torn down to make room for the new monastery that visitors can see today.  There is a library within the monastery, and it has more than one hundred thousand books within its collection.  Some of those books are quite rare, however, they can only be accessed by students and monks.  

Praia Grande Arraial do Cabo 

Praia Grande in Arraial do Cabo is a phenomenal beach area that allows visitors to have fun participating in sporting activities while also relaxing in the serenity of the area.  The water at this beach can get quite cold, especially when resurgence is happening, and it is not uncommon for some of the cold water entering the beach area to only be eight degrees.  The waves at this beach are amazing, so many people go there to surf.  However, there are times when the water is too calm for surfing and it is during those times that scuba diving and snorkeling are the activities of choice.  There are three different shipwrecks near this beach, and they are the Dom Afonso, which wrecked in 1847, Imbetiba, 1881, and Dona Paula, 1827.  Anyone who doesn’t want to enter the water, due to the colder temperatures, will find that they can participate in activities on the sand or simply sit and enjoy a meal at the nearby restaurants.

Praia do Pontal do Atalaial Arraial do Cabo


This area is comprised of two beaches that turn into one when the tide rises.  As people are wandering around, they will not even realize that they are on two beaches until the water begins to rise at high tide and they are in the wrong spot at the wrong time.  The staircases at these beaches make the perfect backdrop for photos in this brilliant area. Discover Arraial do Cabo on our Day Trips. 

Praia do Farol Arraial do Cabo 

Lighthouse Beach in Arraial do Cabo is considered the fourth most beautiful beach within Brazil.  A lighthouse was placed on this beach in 1856 after the need for one was determined.  The beach is protected by the Navy and only two hundred and fifty people are allowed to wander along this beach at a time.  Everyone gets approximately forty-five minutes before they need to board their boat once again to leave.  

Geriba Buzios 

A fantastic mini trip from Rio de Janeiro is GeribaBeach in Buzios.  This wide stretch of sand is a popular place for the younger crowds, due to its excellent surfing, windsurfing, body boarding, foot volley, and paddleboarding.  The Fishbone Café is a must-dine-at destination, not only for the food, but the atmosphere filled with electronic music.  Those traveling with younger children, or those wanting calmer waters, will want to stay to the left side of this beach.  The waves are much wilder over on the right side.  

Ferradurinha Beach Buzios 

Ferradurinha Beach is the sister beach of Ferradura and while this beach is much smaller, people love it just as much.  The beach is tucked away and can only be reached via a narrow-walled path.  Everyone will find that their breath is taken away when they arrive in this little piece of paradise complete with colored rocks, massive cliffs, soft sand, and mansions looking out over it all.  Brazilian celebrities love spending time at this beach, due to its wild and lazy ambiance.  The water is warm and fairly shallow near the shoreline, but it quickly gets deeper and deeper, while getting quite cold out by the rocks.

Sitio Burle Marx

This site is comprised of botanical landscape, five reflecting pools, seven buildings, and an extraordinary museum filled with more than three thousand items that were created by Roberto Burle Marx.  Visitors can see his drawings, sculptures, prints, tapestries, ceramic panels, jewelry, and much more when they are there.  However, most people will be enthralled with his residence, which is furnished as it was when he lived there and filled with his personal effects.  

Casa do Pontal 

This is the largest folk art museum in the country of Brazil and there are more than eight thousand sculptures inside that were created by three hundred artists.  The entire collection is rotated, so that visitors can see new pieces every time they go to this museum.  Guided tours are available for those who want a more in-depth experience of everything that they are seeing.  

Morro da Urca 

This area is the first stage of the cable car ride up to Sugar Loaf and it can be found within the Urca neighborhood.  This is the smaller of the two hills over there and many people love to hike to the top before taking the cable car back down again.  The hiking trail to the top is short and well-marked.  There are many monkeys living within the trees, so it is possible that everyone will capture a glimpse or two of them during their climb.  

Pista Claudio Coutinho 

This walking trail can be found at the bottom of Sugar Loaf Mountain within the Urca neighborhood.  Those who take the time to hike this trail will find themselves going from Praia Vermelha to the very top of the first hill of Sugar Loaf.  This trail is a little steep, but quite easy to do, and it offers views of the water to one side.  Those who walk along this trail will see numerous animals, but most of them will be Tiê-blood birds and tamarins.  It is illegal to use any skateboards, skates, or bicycles on this trail, so people need to be prepared to walk it if they want to see the wonderful views from the top.  

Morro da Conceição

This historical area in downtown is filled with fascinating architecture, as well as heritage.  Morro da Conceição is located near the port and to reach it, all a person needs to do is walk up the hill.  There are plenty of old houses and old-fashioned businesses in this destination, but the best are the homes of the artists that live there.  They open their doors during the numerous events that are held there, so everyone can see how they create their works of art. 

Pedra do Sal 

This historic and religious site can be found within the Saúde neighborhood and it was a quilombo village many years ago.  The history of this area begins back in 1608 when people began to move there for the cheap prices and its proximity to the port.  Pedra do Sal was turned into a meeting place in 1817 and it became a cultural destination for those of African descent at that time.  

Cais do Valongo

 This old dock can be found within the port area of the city and it is a very important landmark in Rio de Janeiro.  The dock was constructed back in 1811 and it was originally used as a place where slaves arrived and stayed until they were sold.  That ended up 1831 and the wharf underwent renovations so it could be used as an arrival point for Princess Teresa Cristina of Bourbon-Two Sicilies.  The wharf was then forgotten until it was rediscovered in 2011 during an excavation project.  It is now a World Heritage Site that people can visit to learn more about the history that took place there over the years.

Santa Teresa Tram

This historic tram line connects the center of the city to the Santa Teresa neighborhood.  It is mostly used by the tourists, although it has been in operation since it opened back in 1877.  This tram has the oldest street railway lines in the world, but they have been electrically powered since 1896.  New tram cars were installed in 2015, after a major accident had ceased the operation of the tram in 2011.  While this tram is still in service, it is a far cry of how far it reached when it was first installed.  At that time, there were sixteen different depots and today, there is only the one.

Lopes Mendes Beach 

This is one of the most beautiful beaches within the country of Brazil and it can be found over on Ilha Grande.  This beach is conveniently located between both Morro dos Castelhanos and Morro do Ferreira, giving visitors amazing views throughout their stay.  There are a few rough patches out in the water, which makes this a good beach to visit for surfing, but there is enough calm water for those who prefer to swim.  Lopes Mendes Beach has not been commercialized at all, which gives it a wild feel that the local and tourists all appreciate and love.  Everyone will want to venture down to the end of the beach, to the left, so that they can see the Chapel of St. Benedict.

These fifty amazing attractions in Rio de Janeiro need to be on everyone’s itinerary when they visit, as none of them should ever be missed.  Of course, a person will need to be in the city for a couple of weeks to check all these items off their list, but that small inconvenience will be worth it to all who choose this as their vacation destination!

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